Wednesday, December 28, 2022

What is the Future of Cryptocurrency?

It is difficult to predict the future of cryptocurrency with certainty, as the market is constantly evolving and influenced by a wide range of factors. However, there are a few key trends and developments that could shape the future of cryptocurrency:

1.       Increased mainstream adoption: As more people become familiar with cryptocurrency and how it works, it is likely that we will see increased adoption of cryptocurrencies by both individuals and institutions. This could involve the use of cryptocurrency for everyday transactions, as well as the integration of cryptocurrencies into traditional financial systems.

2.       Regulation: Many governments around the world are considering how to regulate cryptocurrency, and it is possible that we will see increased regulatory oversight in the future. This could involve the introduction of new laws and regulations, as well as greater collaboration between governments and the cryptocurrency industry.

3.     Development of new technologies: The cryptocurrency industry is constantly evolving, and it is likely that we will see the development of new technologies and innovations that could change the way that cryptocurrencies are used and perceived. This could include the use of decentralized technologies such as blockchain for a wider range of applications, as well as the development of new cryptocurrency projects with unique features and capabilities.

4.     Increased competition: As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow, it is likely that we will see increased competition among different projects. This could lead to the emergence of new market leaders and the demise of some older projects.

Overall, the future of cryptocurrency is uncertain, but it is likely that we will see continued growth and development in the industry as it matures.

Would crypto be regulated by the government in the future?

It is possible that we will see increased regulatory oversight of the cryptocurrency industry in the future. Many governments around the world are currently considering how to regulate cryptocurrency and address the various risks and challenges that it presents.

Regulatory approaches to cryptocurrency can vary widely, depending on the country and the specific laws and regulations that are in place. Some governments have taken a more permissive approach to cryptocurrency, allowing it to be bought, sold, and used relatively freely. Other governments have taken a more restrictive approach, banning or severely limiting the use of cryptocurrency.

It is also possible that we will see increased collaboration between governments and the cryptocurrency industry as the market matures. This could involve the development of new laws and regulations to address specific issues related to cryptocurrency, as well as greater cooperation between governments and industry participants to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the cryptocurrency market.

Overall, it is difficult to predict exactly how cryptocurrency will be regulated in the future, but it is likely that we will see a mix of approaches depending on the specific circumstances and priorities of different countries.

Would regulating crypto affect its functionality?

The extent to which regulation may affect the functionality of cryptocurrency can vary depending on the specific regulations that are put in place and how they are implemented.

In general, regulation may have some impact on the functionality of cryptocurrency in a number of ways. For example:

·       Regulation may limit the ability of individuals or organizations to buy, sell, or use cryptocurrency. This could make it more difficult for people to access and use cryptocurrency, potentially reducing its overall utility.

·       Regulation may require cryptocurrency exchanges and other industry participants to implement certain measures to ensure the security and integrity of their systems. This could increase the costs of operating a cryptocurrency business, which could be passed on to users in the form of higher fees.

·       Regulation may require the reporting of certain information about cryptocurrency transactions or require the implementation of certain know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) measures. This could increase the overhead and complexity of using cryptocurrency, potentially making it less appealing to some users.

Overall, it is important to balance the potential benefits of the regulation (such as increased security and stability) with the potential costs and impacts on the functionality of cryptocurrency.

Monday, April 18, 2022

A Beginner's Guide to Crypto Investment - What to do

Despite its well-known volatility, cryptocurrency is booming, and many investors are hoping to cash in on the trend. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum ebb tend to flow for a period of time before climbing higher, as do many other prominent digital currencies. Experienced traders have been speculating on cryptocurrency for years, but what if you're new to the industry and want in?

Here's how to get started investing in cryptocurrencies and what to avoid.

First and foremost, if you want to invest in cryptocurrency, you must have all of your financial affairs in order. That involves having an emergency fund, a sustainable debt load, and, ideally, a well-diversified investment portfolio. Your crypto investments can help you diversify your portfolio and, hopefully, increase your total returns.

As you begin to invest in cryptocurrencies, keep these five other factors in mind.

1. Know what you're getting yourself into.

Understand exactly what you're investing in, just like you would with any other investment. When buying stocks, it's critical to read the prospectus and extensively research the companies. Plan to do the same with every cryptocurrency, as there are thousands of them, each of which operates differently, and new ones are generated every day. For each trade, you must comprehend the investment case.

Many cryptocurrencies are backed by nothing at all, including neither physical assets nor cash flow. For example, in the case of Bitcoin, investors rely solely on someone else paying more for the product than they did.

To put it another way, unlike stocks, where a company's profits can expand and drive returns for you, many crypto assets must rely on the market becoming more enthusiastic and positive in order for you to profit.

Ethereum, Dogecoin, Cardano, and XRP are some of the most popular coins. Solana has also proven to be a hugely successful coin. So, before you invest, make sure you're aware of the potential gain and risk. It's possible that your financial investment will be worthless if it's not backed by an asset or cash flow.

2. Keep in mind that the past is no longer relevant.

Many new investors make the mistake of looking at the past and extrapolating to the future. Bitcoin was once worth pennies, but it is now worth a lot more. The real question is, "will that growth continue in the future, even if it isn't at such a breakneck pace?"

Investors are interested in what an asset will do in the future, not what it has done in the past. What factors will influence future returns? Traders who acquire a cryptocurrency today need the gains of tomorrow, not the gains of yesterday.

3. Keep an eye on the volatility.

Cryptocurrency values are about as volatile as any asset can be. They could be thrown out in a matter of seconds based on nothing more than a rumour that turns out to be false. That can be advantageous for knowledgeable investors who can quickly execute trades or who have a firm understanding of the market's fundamentals, how it is trending, and where it might go. It's a minefield for new investors who don't have these abilities – or the high-powered algorithms that direct these trades.

Volatility is a game played by high-powered Wall Street traders who are competing with other wealthy investors. The volatility might quickly crush a novice investment.

This is due to the fact that volatility frightens traders, especially newbies.

4. Keep your risk under control.

You must control your risk while trading any asset on a short-term basis, and this is especially true with volatile assets like cryptocurrencies. As a beginner trader, you'll need to learn how to manage risk and build a strategy to help you avoid losing money. And this procedure differs from one person to the next:

A long-term investor's risk management may simply consist of never selling, regardless of price. The investor's long-term mindset permits him to continue with the investment.

A short-term trader's risk management strategy can include establishing rigorous standards for when to sell, such as when an investment has declined 10%. The trader then follows the rule remotely to ensure that a little loss does not turn into a massive loss later.

New traders should consider setting aside a particular amount of trading capital and just spending a fraction of it at first. They'll still have money in the reserve to trade with if a position goes against them. The bottom line is that if you don't have any money, you can't trade. Keeping some money in reserve ensures that you'll always have a bankroll to trade with.

Risk management is necessary, but it comes at an emotional cost. Although selling a lost position is painful, it might help you avoid worse losses in the future.

5. Don't put more money into it than you can afford to lose

Finally, you should avoid investing money that you don't need in speculative assets. If you can't afford to lose it all, you shouldn't invest it in risky assets like bitcoin, or other market-based assets like stocks or ETFs for that matter.

The money you'll need in the next several years, whether it's for a down payment on a house or a major forthcoming purchase, should be stored in safe accounts so it's there when you need it.

Finally, make sure that any exchange or broker you choose is secure. Even if you legally control the assets, someone must secure them, and their security must be strict. Some traders choose to invest in a crypto wallet to keep their coins offline and out of reach of hackers and others if they don't believe their cryptocurrency is securely secured.

There are a variety of other ways to invest in cryptocurrencies.

While investing directly in cryptocurrencies is the most common method, traders also have other options, some of which are more direct than others. These are some of them:

Futures on Bitcoin: Futures are another option to bet on price swings in Bitcoin, and futures allow you to leverage your money to make a lot of money (or losses). Futures are a fast-moving market that exacerbates crypto's already erratic movements.

Crypto funds: There are a few crypto funds (such as the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust) that allow you to bet on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a few other cryptocurrencies' price swings.

Stocks in crypto exchanges or brokers: Investing in a company that is prepared to profit from the rise of bitcoin regardless of the winner could also be a good idea. And that's the possibility of an exchange like Coinbase or a broker like Robinhood, which rely heavily on crypto trading for revenue.

Blockchain ETFs: A blockchain ETF is a type of exchange-traded fund that allows you to invest in firms that may benefit from the rise of blockchain technology. The best blockchain ETFs give you exposure to some of the most important publicly traded blockchain start-ups. However, it's worth noting that these companies generally conduct much more than cryptocurrency-related activity, diluting your cryptocurrency exposure and lowering your potential gain and loss.

Each of these options has a different level of risk and exposure to bitcoin, so make sure you know exactly what you're getting and whether it meets your needs.

Monday, February 14, 2022

What is cryptocurrency and how does it Function?

 The meaning and definition of cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency, often known as crypto-currency or crypto, is any type of digital or virtual currency that uses encryption to safeguard transactions. Cryptocurrencies operate without a central issuing or regulating authority, instead of relying on a decentralized system to track transactions and create new units.

What exactly is a cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital payment mechanism that does not rely on banks for transaction verification. It's a peer-to-peer system that allows anyone to make and receive payments from anywhere. Cryptocurrency payments exist solely as digital entries to an online database identifying specific transactions, rather than as tangible money carried around and exchanged in the real world. The transactions that you make with cryptocurrency funds are recorded in a public ledger. Digital wallets are used to store cryptocurrency.

The moniker "cryptocurrency" comes from the fact that it uses encryption to verify transactions. This means that storing and sending cryptocurrency data between wallets and to public ledgers requires complex coding. Encryption's goal is to ensure security and safety.

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, and it was created in 2009 and is still the most well-known today. Much of the fascination with cryptocurrencies stems from the desire to trade for profit, with speculators driving prices high at times.

What is a cryptocurrency and how does it work?

Cryptocurrencies are based on the blockchain, a distributed public database that keeps track of all transactions and is updated by currency holders.

Cryptocurrency units are formed through a process known as mining, which entails employing computer processing power to solve complex mathematical problems to earn coins. Users can also purchase the currencies from brokers, which they can then store and spend using encrypted wallets.

You don't possess anything concrete if you own cryptocurrency. What you possess is a key that enables you to transfer a record or a unit of measurement from one person to another without the involvement of a trustworthy third party.

Although Bitcoin has been present since 2009, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are still in their infancy in terms of financial applications, with more to come in the future. Bonds, stocks, and other financial assets might all be traded via technology in the future.

Examples of cryptocurrencies

Thousands of cryptocurrencies exist. Among the most well-known are:


Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, and it is still the most widely traded, having been launched in 2009. Satoshi Nakamoto – largely assumed to be a pseudonym for an individual or group of people whose true identity is unknown – created the currency.


Ethereum is a blockchain platform that has its own cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH) or Ethereum. It was created in 2015. After Bitcoin, it is the most widely used cryptocurrency.


This money is quite similar to bitcoin, but it has moved faster to build new innovations, such as speedier payments and processes that allow for more transactions.


Ripple was founded in 2012 as a distributed ledger technology. Not only can Ripple be used to track cryptocurrency transactions, but it can also be used to track other types of transactions. Its creators have collaborated with several banks and financial institutions.

To separate themselves from Bitcoin, non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies are referred to as "altcoins."

How to Purchase Cryptocurrencies

You might be wondering how to safely purchase cryptocurrency. Typically, there are three processes involved. These are the following:

Step one: Select a platform.

The first step is to choose a platform to work with. In general, you have the option of using a regular broker or a cryptocurrency exchange:

  • Regular Brokers: These are online brokers that allow you to purchase and sell cryptocurrencies as well as other financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These platforms are known for having reduced trading fees but fewer crypto features.

  • Cryptocurrencies Exchanges: There are a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges to choose from, each with its own set of cryptocurrencies, wallet storage options, interest-bearing account options, and other features. Asset-based fees are charged by several exchanges.

Consider which cryptocurrencies are available, the fees they charge, their security features, storage and withdrawal choices, and any educational materials when evaluating different platforms.

Step 2: Adding money to your account

After you've decided on a platform, you'll need to fund your account before you can start trading. Although this varies by platform, most crypto exchanges allow users to buy crypto with fiats (government-issued) currencies such as the US Dollar, the British Pound, or the Euro using their debit or credit cards.

Credit card purchases of cryptocurrency are deemed dangerous, and some exchanges do not allow them. Crypto transactions are also not permitted by some credit card companies. This is because cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile, and risking going into debt — or perhaps paying hefty credit card transaction fees — for particular assets is not recommended.

ACH and wire transfers are also accepted by some sites. The payment methods that are accepted and the time it takes to deposit or withdraw money varies for each platform. Likewise, the time it takes for deposits to clear varies depending on the payment type.

Fees are an important consideration. These fees could include transaction fees for deposits and withdrawals, as well as trading fees. Fees will vary depending on the payment method and platform, so do your homework ahead of time.

Step 3: Making a purchase

You can use the web or mobile platform of your broker or exchange to make an order. If you wish to buy cryptocurrencies, go to "buy," select the order type, enter the number of coins you want to buy, and confirm the order. Orders to "sell" follow the same procedure.

There are other ways to invest in cryptocurrency as well. PayPal, Cash App, and Venmo are examples of payment platforms that allow customers to buy, trade, or store cryptocurrencies. In addition, the following investment vehicles are available:

  • Bitcoin trusts: Bitcoin trusts can be purchased with a conventional brokerage account. Through the stock market, these vehicles provide retail investors with access to cryptocurrency.

  • Bitcoin mutual funds: You can select between Bitcoin ETFs and Bitcoin mutual funds.

  • Blockchain stocks or ETFs: Blockchain companies that specialize in the technology behind crypto and crypto transactions are another way to indirectly invest in crypto. Alternatively, you can invest in blockchain-related stocks or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Your best selection will be determined by your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

What is the best way to keep cryptocurrency?

Once you've purchased bitcoin, you'll need to keep it safe to avoid being hacked or stolen. Cryptocurrencies are typically stored in crypto wallets, which are physical hardware or online software that securely store the private keys to your cryptocurrencies. Some exchanges offer wallet services, allowing you to store your funds directly on the platform. However, not all exchanges or brokers will automatically give you a wallet.

There are a variety of wallet providers from which to pick. The terms "hot wallet" and "cold wallet" are used to describe two types of wallets:

  • Hot wallet storage: "hot wallets" refers to cryptocurrency storage that use internet software to safeguard your assets' private keys.

  • Cold wallet storage: Unlike hot wallets, cold wallets (also known as hardware wallets) save your private keys on offline electronic devices.

Cold wallets typically charge fees, whereas hot wallets do not.

What can you get for your bitcoins?

Bitcoin was designed from the start to be a daily transactional currency, allowing users to buy everything from a cup of coffee to a computer, as well as big-ticket things like real estate. That hasn't happened yet, and while the number of institutions adopting cryptocurrencies is increasing, major transactions involving cryptocurrencies are still uncommon. Despite this, crypto can be used to purchase a wide range of things from e-commerce platforms. Some instances are as follows:

E-commerce and Technology Websites

Several tech companies, like, AT&T, and Microsoft, accept cryptocurrency on their websites. Overstock, an online retailer, was one of the first to take Bitcoin. It's also accepted by Shopify, Rakuten, and Home Depot.

Items of high value:

Some high-end stores accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment. For example, online luxury store Bitdials accepts Bitcoin in exchange for Rolex, Patek Philippe, and other high-end timepieces.


Some vehicle dealerships now accept cryptocurrencies as payment, ranging from mass-market brands to high-end luxury brands.


AXA, a Swiss insurer, stated in April 2021 that it has begun taking Bitcoin as a form of payment for all of its insurance lines excluding life insurance (due to regulatory issues). In addition to accepting Bitcoin for premium payments, Premier Shield Insurance, which sells house and vehicle insurance plans in the United States, also takes Bitcoin for premium payments.

You can use a bitcoin debit card, such as BitPay in the United States, to spend cryptocurrency at a retailer that doesn't take it directly.

Scams and fraud involving cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency criminality is, unfortunately, on the rise. Scams involving cryptocurrency include:

Scam websites: Scam sites with fake testimonials and crypto jargon that promise huge, guaranteed profits if you keep investing.

Virtual Ponzi schemes: Cryptocurrency thieves offer fictitious opportunities to invest in digital currencies and create the illusion of high returns by repaying old investors with money from new investors. Before its offenders were charged in December 2019, one scam organization, BitClub Network, had raised more than $700 million.

Celebrity endorsements: Scammers act as millionaires or well-known figures on the internet, promising to multiply your virtual currency investment but instead stealing what you contribute. They could even use messaging applications or chat forums to spread rumours that a well-known businessperson is supporting a particular cryptocurrency. The crooks sell their ownership after encouraging investors to buy and driving up the price, and the currency loses value.

Dating Scams: The FBI has issued a warning about a new trend in online dating scams, in which con artists persuade people they meet on dating apps or social media to invest or trade in virtual currencies. In the first seven months of 2021, the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center received over 1,800 reports of crypto-focused romantic scams, with losses totalling over $133 million.

Otherwise, fraudsters may impersonate legal virtual currency dealers or set up phoney exchanges to defraud customers. Another type of crypto scam involves deceptive sales pitches for cryptocurrency-based individual retirement plans. Then there's plain cryptocurrency hacking, in which hackers gain access to people's digital wallets and steal their virtual currency.

Is cryptocurrency a safe investment?

Blockchain technology is commonly used to create cryptocurrencies. The method transactions are recorded in "blocks" and time-stamped is described by blockchain. It's a lengthy, complicated procedure, but the end result is a secure digital ledger of cryptocurrency transactions that hackers can't alter.

Transactions also necessitate a two-factor authentication process. To begin a transaction, you might be requested to enter a login and password. Then you may be required to input an authentication code sent to your personal cell phone through text message.

While security measures are in place, this does not mean that cryptocurrencies are impenetrable to hackers. Several high-profile thefts have wreaked havoc on bitcoin startups. Coincheck was hacked for $534 million, and BitGrail was hacked for $195 million, making them two of the most expensive cryptocurrency attacks of 2018.

The value of virtual currencies, unlike government-backed money, is solely determined by supply and demand. This can lead to dramatic swings in the market, resulting in significant gains or losses for investors. Furthermore, compared to traditional financial instruments such as equities, bonds, and mutual funds, cryptocurrency investments are subject to significantly less governmental oversight.

Four precautions to take while investing in cryptocurrencies.

All investments, according to Consumer Reports, include risk, but some experts believe bitcoin is one of the riskier investing options available. If you're thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies, these pointers can assist you in making informed decisions.

  • Research collaborations:

Learn about bitcoin exchanges before you invest. There are around 500 exchanges to choose from, according to estimates. Before making a decision, do your homework, study reviews, and speak with more experienced investors.

  • Understand how to keep your digital currency safe:

You must store cryptocurrency if you purchase it. You can save it in a digital wallet or on an exchange. While there are various types of wallets, each has its own set of advantages, technological needs, and security features. You should research your storage options before investing, just as you would with exchanges.

  • Diversify your portfolio:

Diversification is essential to any successful investment strategy, and this is especially true when it comes to cryptocurrency. Don't put all of your money in Bitcoin just because it's a well-known name. There are thousands of possibilities, and it's best to diversify your portfolio by investing in other currencies.

  • Prepare for turbulence:

Be aware that the cryptocurrency market is quite volatile, so expect ups and downs. Prices will fluctuate dramatically. Cryptocurrency may not be a good fit for you if your investment portfolio or mental health can't manage it.

Cryptocurrency is currently all the rage, but keep in mind that it is still in its infancy and is regarded as highly speculative. Be prepared for the hardships that come with investing in anything new. If you decide to participate, do your homework first and start with a little investment.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Top 7 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in, in 2022.


One of the major things you want to do this year as a crypto investor is to get your finances right. We all know that it's critical for you to get your money in check in 2022 and that includes me, typing this article right now. We've compiled a list of some of the coins we believe will experience significant price increases in the year 2022.

1. Ethereum (ETH)

Performance so far this year: 456 percent

Ethereum is the world's second-largest cryptocurrency, trailing only Bitcoin. It's been at the top for years, and we don't think any other coin will be able to beat it.

ETH had a fantastic year in 2021. This year, the coin has gained 456 percent, making it one of the best-performing big coins. As cryptocurrency gets more popular, we anticipate that more investors will continue to buy in 2022.

Because of the blockchain, we're also big on Ethereum. The Ethereum blockchain remains the most popular, and it is currently undergoing a major update known as Ethereum 2.0. Here are some things to be aware of when it comes to Ethereum 2.0:

Ethereum will be upgraded from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) (PoS)

The Ethereum blockchain will become faster and less expensive to use with Ethereum 2.0.

If Ethereum 2.0 is successful, it will bring more individuals to the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum's price will skyrocket as a result of this.

In Nigeria, where can I buy Ethereum?

Ethereum is available on a few Nigerian-focused cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance, where you may buy it with Nigerian Naira, stablecoins, and other cryptocurrencies through p2p.


2. Solana (SOL)

Performance so far this year: 10,740 percent.

Another coin we're excited about is Solana. It has already increased by 10.740 percent this year, and it appears that the coin is only getting started.

The Solana blockchain is the only one that has the potential to challenge Ethereum's dominance. If nothing else, that's reason enough to be a big fan of Solana. It has exploded in popularity this year, and more individuals are using it to solve problems with the Ethereum blockchain.

Among the "Ethereum killers," Solana has become the most popular. These are blockchains that have attempted to usurp Ethereum's dominance by luring developers to build apps on them.

Whether the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade occurs or not, we're confident that Solana's user base will continue to expand.

3. Bitcoin (BTC): 

Performance so far this year: 76.3 percent 

Although it may sound cliched, Bitcoin remains one of the finest cryptocurrencies to invest in. It is still the most valuable coin, and none of the other coins threatens its dominance.

There are numerous reasons to purchase Bitcoin at this time. It was able to maintain its stability throughout the year, despite many market downturns. If anything, this demonstrates that Bitcoin isn't a toy.

There's a lot to be thrilled about heading towards 2022. Countries such as the United States are rumoured to be considering regulating Bitcoin. This will increase its legitimacy and attract more people to purchase and invest in it.

Even in the absence of regulation, several of the world's largest corporations have invested in Bitcoin. Tesla, Block (previously Square), and MicroStrategy are among them. Bitcoin has also attracted the attention of a number of well-known figures. These are some of them:

Tesla's CEO and the world's richest man, Elon Musk

Twitter's founder and Block's CEO, Jack Dorsey

Apple's CEO, Tim Cook

Dalio, Ray (a billionaire hedge fund manager)

In 2022, we expect more prominent names to invest in Bitcoin.

Furthermore, we anticipate the legalization of Bitcoin in other nations. El Salvador made headlines when it declared Bitcoin legal tender, and there have been suggestions that other governments may follow suit. For the time being, fingers crossed.

In Nigeria, where can I buy bitcoin?

Top cryptocurrency exchanges in Nigeria, such as Binance, are your best bet if you want to know where to buy bitcoin in Nigeria. Bitcoin may simply be purchased using Naira or USDT.


4. Chainlink (LINK)

Performance thus far this year: 80.2 percent

Chainlink, unlike Ethereum and Solana, does not use a blockchain. It is, instead, a data oracle.

To function properly, blockchains require access to several types of data. Some of this information, though, isn't available on the blockchains themselves.

Here's where oracles come in handy.

Oracles are technologies that assist in the connection of these blockchains to other data sources. They secure the effectiveness of blockchains by doing so.

The most popular blockchain oracle on the market is Chainlink. Chainlink is essential for app developers to ensure that their apps run properly, hence it plays an important role in the blockchain and crypto markets.

In 2022, we expect more people and businesses to use blockchains. If this happens, Chainlink's – and its LINK coins' – adoption will surge. As a result, this coin has a promising future.


Performance so far this year: 334.6 percent.

Once upon a time, XRP was the third most valued cryptocurrency on the market. Although it has since decreased in value, XRP remains a significant player in the cryptocurrency world.

Part of the reason for the steep dip in XRP is that its creator, Ripple Labs, was sued by US regulators for fraud. The complaint was filed in December of the year 2020, and both parties will continue litigating in the courts until 2021.

However, many in the industry believe that XRP's prospects are improving. Ripple Labs believes it will be able to resolve the SEC issue by 2022, which will be a big boost for XRP.

XRP has managed to produce 346 percent returns throughout the year, despite the litigation. We expect XRP to reach the moon if Ripple Labs wins this lawsuit.


6. Binance Coin (BNB)

Performance so far this year: 1,332.9 percent

Binance's native token, BNB, is the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange. Users of Binance can obtain the coin and benefit from features such as lower trade fees, faster transactions, and trading, among others.

The reason we chose BNB is because of its ties to Binance. Binance, being the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, commands a significant share of the cryptocurrency market. BNB has enjoyed significant benefits as the exchange has grown.

BNB, for example, has increased by 1,332 percent this year alone.

Binance may potentially go public in the next year or two, according to certain reports. Coinbase, the company's main competitor, went public in April and has been fairly successful thus far. Imagine how high BNB could go if Binance performs the same thing!


7. Dogecoin (DOGE)

Performance so far this year: 4,050 percent.

Dogecoin is the most popular meme currency in the world. Thanks to its enormous online audience, our favourite joke coin was able to generate incredible returns this year. Throughout 2021, celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Snoop Dogg, and even Elon Musk were able to leverage their celebrity to enhance the price of DOGE.

We anticipate that DOGE will take a more serious turn in 2022. It has so far managed to exist just on vibrations, which is fine. DOGE, on the other hand, will require a specialized use case if it is to truly appreciate in value.

Elon Musk has recently been talking a lot about DOGE, which is interesting. He asserted that DOGE is a better payment option than Bitcoin and that Tesla will soon begin accepting DOGE for merchandising.

In 2022, we expect DOGE will have additional ways of usage. DOGE's adoption will grow even faster as a result of this, as will its price.


Where Can I Get These Coins in Nigeria?

Crypto exchanges are your best chance if you want to get your hands on any of these coins. Exchanges such as Binance make it easy to buy cryptocurrency in Nigeria. You will benefit from features like rapid transactions, cheap fees, and excellent customer service.

You can buy cryptocurrency on Binance and other Nigeria-focused crypto exchanges using a variety of techniques. Naira, the USDT stablecoin, and even the dollar can be used to purchase. There's an exchange for you, no matter which choice you choose!

Thursday, September 23, 2021


Bitcoin is the currency of the future. A couple of countries are starting to adopt it as an official legal tender. Isn’t that amazing? If there is a good time to own bitcoin, it was yesterday. The quickest and easiest way to own bitcoin is to buy it online. While buying may be the quickest way, it is not the easiest… Money barrier. For those who don’t have the money to buy crypto now, but want to know how to earn some, there are simple tasks that you can do online to help you earn some free bitcoin. In this article, I will be talking about one single website where I earned N2,427 and that is Escrypto Faucet.

ESCRYPTO FAUCET – The Multi-Coin Faucet

I’ve known about this faucet for over a year now but didn’t take them seriously because I thought it would probably be a scam. What I did mostly was claim faucets and occasionally watch some videos to claim ESCoins.

I’m only writing this article because I actually successfully made a withdrawal of N2427.01 worth of bitcoin to my Coinbase wallet. The smile on my face was really cool. I know it’s small, but I’m excited that it actually worked-I didn’t waste my time. That means if I actually do more on the website, it means I can earn more. Mehn, that’s cool!

So here I am, sharing my knowledge with you guys on how you too can easily earn free crypto from Escrypto Faucet.

The beautiful thing about this faucet is that they are a multi-crypto faucet where you decide how often you want to make claim your faucet. However, you can only claim every 30minutes. Claiming faucets is not the only thing you can do to earn from this amazing website. There are some other things you can do to earn more crypto on this website.


1. Faucet: claim every 30 minutes. To make claiming your faucets easy, you can download their app directly from the website. You won’t find the apps on Google or the Apple App Store, you’ll have to download them directly from the website. The apps are safe, so go ahead and download them because they cut the time for claiming almost in half. All you have to do is launch the app and click on the faucet tab and make a claim.

2. Paid to Click: visit links for 10 seconds to earn. Every short link successfully visited gives you free Satoshi. You can earn as much as 10 Satoshi from a single link and as little as 1.44 Satoshi.

3. Watch Video: I consider watching videos the easiest and highest paying task you can do on this platform. A video can give you as much as 600 ESCoins. And all you have to do is watch for sixty seconds.

4. Complete Offers: fill forms, take surveys, and complete as many offers as you can to earn es-coin that can be swapped for any other available crypto currency. I have not been successful with taking surveys on this website because of my location. But I’m guessing people from other countries don’t have it is hard as I am due to my location.

5. Miner: You get a miner for mining ES-coin only. If you don’t know how miners work, with ESCrypto miners, you won’t need a special skill. It’s pretty straightforward. From home, click on Earn, Miner, choose your threads, scroll down and click on the Start button…You are mining.  
Note that the higher your thread the higher your hash rate and the more ESCoin you mine but that also means overheating for your devices. So, use a low thread to prevent overheating.

6. Bonuses: get a weekly ESCoin bonus for free. ESCoins gives you 1000 ESCoins


1.       Bitcoin

2.       Ethereum (gwei)

3.       Litecoin

4.       Ripple

5.       Stellar

6.       Digibyte

7.       Dogecoin

8.       Basic Attention Token

9.       Bitcoin Cash

10.   Ethereum classic

11.   0x

12.   Tron

13.   Dash

14.   Zcash.


You get five (5) daily free exchanges. For example, you can exchange your bitcoin for dogecoin, or Ethereum classic for Ripple. It all depends on what your preferred Crypto is.

You get your first five exchanges for free every day, and any other exchange after that will cost you some ESCoins. The number of exchanges per day increases with your membership level…up to 20 exchanges a day for Onyx membership.


ESCrypto Faucet gives you free ESCoins every 5 days. As a standard member without any subscriptions, you get 1000 ESCoins. You can get more bonuses when you upgrade your account to a higher membership level.

They have seven (7) membership levels

1.       Standard membership: 1000 ESCoin every 5 days (plus bonus from paid membership)

2.       Membership of Iron: here you get 100 bitcoin Satoshi bonus

3.       Membership of Silver:

4.       Membership of Gold:

5.       Membership of Diamond:

6.       Membership of Platinum:

7.       Membership of Onyx: here you get 5000 ESCoins bonus

Your faucet claim increases with how consistent you are with your daily claim. Never miss a day and watch your claim increase. I’ve successfully kept a 50 days claim streak before and presently gunning for 100…let’s just see how that goes for me. I’ll update this article as soon as I hit that goal.

As a Free member, you need to know that you only get about 7 cryptocurrency faucets open for a free claim. More faucets are opened as your level increases. As at the time this article is written Zcash is the Faucet standing at the highest level of standard membership requirement for unlocking. You need to get to level 92 from your standard membership account before you can unlock this faucet. Dash faucet takes the second-highest place at standard membership level 64.


From the marketplace, you can buy various On-Site bonuses using your ESCoins balance. You can buy ESCoin from the marketplace using faucet pay so don’t think you are dealing with a coin that’s not working.

I have not tried buying anything yet, but I’ll be trying that out soon because of you. So, watch out for an update on this article. I’ve not set up my mailing list yet, when I do, you’ll be able to get my post sent to your email when you subscribe, but until then, please do come back here as often as you can because I will do my best to drop the hottest, sweetest and actually working ways you can make money online.


This is the sweetest part for me. I won’t even attempt writing this article if this part didn’t work. After several months of working up my bitcoin faucet, I finally got to the minimum withdrawal threshold, which was 11000 Bitcoin Satoshi. It happened on a weekend so I didn’t want any complications where there would be a delay because it was a weekend. So, I waited until Monday to make my withdrawal.

To make my withdrawal, I logged into my Coinbase wallet and copied my bitcoin address. Logged into my ESCrypto Faucet, click on "view" (under Bitcoin Satoshi), you’ll see a drop-down menu. Click on withdraw and it will take you a page where you will see the available wallets you can withdraw to and the minimum amount you can withdraw to each wallet


1.       Coinbaseminimum: 11000 satoshi. No transaction fees

2.       BTC wallet – minimum: 100000 satoshi. Transaction fees: 25000

3.       Faucet Payminimum: 10000 satoshi. Transaction fees: 10%

4.       Express Cryptominimum: 10000 satoshi. Transaction fees: 10%

Here's my Proof of Payment (POP)


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